Thursday, January 28, 2010

Charlotte Restaurant Week 2010

This week is a great opportunity to get out there and enjoy the great food experience that Charlotte has to offer. High end eateries around the city are offering discounted plates during this economic tough time around the region.  I challenge you to expand your horizons and experience a new venue.  The sky is the limit!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Gateway Fencing Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving week here at Gateway Fencing.  Everyone is excited about getting together with family, good eats, and taking a moment to give thanks. 
The winter months are upon us.  With all the shopping-black Friday-and family get together's that we have our minds on, it's important to remember that our fences may need some maintenance.  When was the last time that you applied a coat of stain or paint to your wood fence?  Have you checked the nails and boards?  The aluminum, vinyl, and chain link fences do not require the high maintenance that wood requires.
With all the rain and high winds, we have been doing a number of fence repairs.  We repair all fence types.  Wood, aluminum, chain link, and vinyl.  For additional fencing needs you can contact the office to set up an appointment.  Whether you need to replace a panel or board, we can do it!
Contact us today.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday to the Soldiers That Protect This Great County!!

Today the USMC branch of the US defense military is 234 years old.  I would like to personally thank all the soldiers at home and overseas that protect all the civilians back home.  It is with much gratitude and honor that I wish the USMC a happy birthday from us at Gateway Fencing.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

November is Here

Hello everyone,
I absolutely love this time of year.  Halloween is behind us, and before we know it, the holidays will be upon us.  Wow! How this year has flown by.  The leaves are changing, scents of apple and pumpkin in the kitchen, the smell of blazing fires, and the crisp cool fall air.  These are the things that I think about this time of year.

The fence business is moving on along. We have been installing more vinyl fences than in the past.  It seems like everyone is interested in the white picket fence. By now, most of you know how durable and long lasting the vinyl fence can be.  Compared to wood fences, what could be better! There is no worry of stain or paint maintenance throughout the year, no nails to replace, no warped fence boards, and a great curb side appeal both inside and out.  What's your preference? Total privacy, semi private, decorative picket, farm rail fencing?  Vinyl fence accommodates any look.  Dig in alittle deeper....prefer brown, tan, olive, faux wood boards?  The vinyl fence industry caters to everyone.  The only hardship...the price.  Vinyl fencing is pretty costly, but the rewards are great.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Commercial Month

Gateway has been busy this month with an extraordinarily large amount of commercial jobs.  We are pleased to say that many of it has been out of the state.  We are excited about our growth in this area.  We continue to work with our residential customer base and appreciate all the repeat business that we have had with our current customers.  We have so many customers that have a fence installed one year and then down the line, they move and need a new fence or repairs on the existing fence.  It says something about Gateway that we would be called on again to work with them.  With all the commercial jobs that we have been seeing in previous months, I'm would like to think that what we hear is true-the economy is turning around. There is definitely building that is going up in our community.

One more week until Halloween.  Hope that everyone has taken precautions to keep our children safe.  Have a safe and happy Halloween.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fence Decorating Ideas

Happy fall to all!!!  The weather is getting cooler and the leaves are turning.  The thought of a hot apple fritter is delightful and the smell of pumpkin fills the air.  The children are getting excited about the candy and costumes they will enjoy on Halloween.  If we haven't started to decorate for the season, ideas are bouncing around in our head.  Some of us decide to decorate for the season of fall while others choose to decorate for Halloween.  Our neighbors would love to see our homes decorated in the festivities of the season.  We all want to steer clear of the tacky decorations that are out there.  What are some of our options?  Wreaths are a great idea to hang on your fence sections.  You can make wreaths out of leaves, pine cones, twigs, and those small pumpkins.  Once the leaves start to change, this would bring beautiful color to a wood colored background.  Those small decorative flags are an easy way to dress up a section of the lawn.

Most of us really enjoy looking out our windows into our neighbors yards and see the extra things they do to dress up their properties.  Get out there and try out some new decorating ideas of your own.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Welcome to Fall

Fall is here.  The leaves are changing, the weather is getting cooler, and the we are pulling the sweaters out.  For many of us, this is a time for football, apple desserts, and early holiday shopping.  I love to get up to the high country for the day and look at the leaves that are so beautifully painted in all sorts of colors.
Winter is right around the corner, and my job is to remind you that this is the time to weather proof your fence.  Wood fences are most vulnerable in the upcoming weather.  Help your fence weather the winter with a fresh coat of stain or paint.  Replace any loose nails.  Make any necessary repairs that you may notice.  Replace any old, rotted, or broken rails.  Gate adjustments will help ensure that the post won't warp as easily.  These repairs are important for the life of your fence.
Contact Gateway Fencing for any repair materials or hardware that you may need.